# Lib
import logging
from pathlib import PurePath, Path
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
REQUIRED = ['Sentrix_ID', 'Sentrix_Position', 'SentrixBarcode_A', 'SentrixPosition_A', 'Control',
'Sample_Group', 'Sample_Name', 'Sample_Plate', 'Pool_ID', 'Sample_Well', 'GSM_ID',
'Sample_Type', 'Sub_Type']
[docs]class Sample():
"""Object representing a row in a SampleSheet file
data_dir {string or path-like} -- Base directory of the sample sheet and associated IDAT files.
sentrix_id {string} -- The slide number of the processed array.
sentrix_position {string} -- The position on the processed slide.
Keyword Arguments:
addl_fields {} -- Additional metadata describing the sample.
including experiment subject meta data:
name (sample name, unique id)
GSM_ID (same as sample name if using GEO public data)
array meta data:
def __init__(self, data_dir, sentrix_id, sentrix_position, **addl_fields):
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.sentrix_id = sentrix_id
self.sentrix_position = sentrix_position
self.renamed_fields = {}
# any OTHER sample_sheet columns are passed in exactly as they appear, if possible, and if column names exist.
# these will pass into the meta_data pkl created, and any renamed fields must be noted in a lookup.
for field in addl_fields:
if field not in REQUIRED:
new_field_name = field.replace(' ','_')
if len(field) == 0:
if field[0].isdigit():
new_field_name = field[1:]
if not field.isalnum(): # letters or numbers, or caps. no spaces or unicode
import re
new_field_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', new_field_name)
setattr(self, new_field_name, addl_fields[field])
self.renamed_fields[field] = new_field_name
self.group = addl_fields.get('Sample_Group')
self.name = addl_fields.get('Sample_Name')
self.plate = addl_fields.get('Sample_Plate')
self.pool = addl_fields.get('Pool_ID')
self.well = addl_fields.get('Sample_Well')
self.GSM_ID = addl_fields.get('GSM_ID') # for GEO published sample compatability
self.type = addl_fields.get('Sample_Type','Unknown') # from GEO MINiML meta data
self.sub_type = addl_fields.get('Sub_Type') # from GEO
self.is_control = True if addl_fields.get('Control') in (1,'1',True, 'True', 'true', 'TRUE') else False
self.fields = {}
'Sentrix_ID': 'Sentrix_ID',
'Sentrix_Position': 'Sentrix_Position', # these will be standardized here, regardless of sample_sheet variation names
'Sample_Group': 'Sample_Group',
'Sample_Name': 'Sample_Name',
'Sample_Plate': 'Sample_Plate',
'Sample_Type': 'Sample_Type',
'Sub_Type': 'Sub_Type',
'Sample_Well': 'Sample_Well',
'Pool_ID': 'Pool_ID',
'Control': 'Control',
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.sentrix_id}_{self.sentrix_position}'
def base_filename(self):
return f'{self.sentrix_id}_{self.sentrix_position}'
def alternate_base_filename(self):
""" GEO data sets using this file name convention."""
if hasattr(self,'GSM_ID') and self.GSM_ID != None:
return f'{self.GSM_ID}_{self.sentrix_id}_{self.sentrix_position}'
return f'{self.sentrix_id}_{self.sentrix_position}'
[docs] def get_filepath(self, extension, suffix=None, verify=True):
"""builds the filepath based on custom file extensions and suffixes during processing.
Params (verify):
tests whether file exists, either in data_dir or somewhere in recursive search path of data_dir.
uses this later to fetch the place where a file ought to be created -- but doesn't exist yet, so use verify=False.
_suffix -- used to create the `<file>_processed` files.
_suffix = ''
if suffix is not None:
_suffix = f'_{suffix}'
filename = f'{self.base_filename}{_suffix}.{extension}'
alt_filename = f'{self.alternate_base_filename}{_suffix}.{extension}'
path = PurePath(self.data_dir, str(self.sentrix_id), filename)
if verify:
# confirm this sample IDAT file exists, and update its filepath if different.
# if filename fails, it will check alt_filename too.
path = self._build_and_verify_path(filename, alt_filename, allow_compressed=True)
return str(path)
[docs] def get_file_s3(self, zip_reader, extension, suffix=None):
""" replaces get_filepath, but for `s3` context. Since these files
are compressed within a single zipfile in the bucket, they don't
resolve to PurePaths."""
_suffix = ''
if suffix is not None:
_suffix = f'_{suffix}'
filename_to_match = f'{self.base_filename}{_suffix}.{extension}'
for zip_filename in zip_reader.file_names:
if not zip_filename.endswith('.idat'):
if filename_to_match in zip_filename:
# this is packed within the zipfile still, but zip_reader can fetch it.
return zip_reader.get_file(zip_filename, match_partial=False)
def _build_and_verify_path(self, filename, alt_filename=None, allow_compressed=False):
Added to Sample as class_method:
if the matching filename for idat file is not in the same folder.
check if exists:
then look recursively for that filename and update the data_dir for that Sample.
return the complete filepath.
because public data sets on GEO have samplesheets with a different pattern, if the primary file pattern
fails to match, it will try the alt_filename pattern before returning a FileNotFoundError.
replaces _build_path
same_dir_path = PurePath(self.data_dir, str(self.sentrix_id), filename)
if Path(same_dir_path).is_file():
# this idat file is in the same folder, no more searching needed.
return same_dir_path
if allow_compressed and Path(same_dir_path.with_suffix('.gz')).is_file():
return same_dir_path
# otherwise, do a recursive search for this file and return the first path found.
#file_pattern = f'{self.data_dir}/**/{filename}'
#file_matches = glob(file_pattern, recursive=True)
file_matches = list(Path(self.data_dir).rglob(filename))
if (not file_matches) and allow_compressed:
file_matches = list(Path(self.data_dir).rglob(filename + '.gz'))
if file_matches == []:
if alt_filename != None and alt_filename != filename:
# Note: both patterns will be identical if GSM_ID missing from sample sheet.
alt_file_matches = list(Path(self.data_dir).rglob(alt_filename))
if (not alt_file_matches) and allow_compressed:
alt_file_matches = list(Path(self.data_dir).rglob(alt_filename + '.gz'))
if len(alt_file_matches) > 1:
LOGGER.warning(f'Multiple ({len(alt_file_matches)}) files matched {alt_filename} -- saved path to first one: {alt_file_matches[0]}')
if len(alt_file_matches) > 0:
return alt_file_matches[0]
raise FileNotFoundError(f'No files in {self.data_dir} (or sub-folders) match this sample id: {filename} OR {alt_filename}')
elif len(file_matches) > 1:
LOGGER.warning(f'Multiple ({len(file_matches)}) files matched {alt_filename} -- saved path to first one: {file_matches[0]}')
return file_matches[0]
[docs] def get_export_filepath(self):
""" Called by run_pipeline to find the folder/filename to export data as CSV, but CSV file doesn't exist yet."""
return self.get_filepath('csv', 'processed', verify=False)