Source code for methylprep.files.idat

# Lib
from enum import IntEnum, unique
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import struct
from pprint import pprint
import logging

# App
from ..utils import (

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOGGER.setLevel( logging.WARNING )

__all__ = ['IdatDataset']

# Constants
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


class IdatHeaderLocation(IntEnum):
    """Unique IntEnum defining constant values for byte offsets of IDAT headers.
    FILE_TYPE = 0
    VERSION = 4
    FIELD_COUNT = 12

class IdatSectionCode(IntEnum):
    """Unique IntEnum defining constant values for byte offsets of IDAT headers.
    These values come from the field codes of the Bioconductor illuminaio package.

    MM: refer to
    and source:
    more on encrypted IDAT format here:
    ILLUMINA_ID = 102
    STD_DEV = 103
    MEAN = 104
    NUM_BEADS = 107 # how many replicate measurements for each probe
    MID_BLOCK = 200
    RUN_INFO = 300
    RED_GREEN = 400
    MOSTLY_NULL = 401 # manifest
    BARCODE = 402
    CHIP_TYPE = 403 # format
    MOSTLY_A = 404  # label
    UNKNOWN_1 = 405 # opa
    UNKNOWN_2 = 406 # sampleid
    UNKNOWN_3 = 407 # descr
    UNKNOWN_4 = 408 # plate
    UNKNOWN_5 = 409 # well
    UNKNOWN_6 = 410
    UNKNOWN_7 = 510 # unknown
    NUM_SNPS_READ = 1000

"""Constant set of 'Unknown' IDAT sections."""

# Object Definitions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
""" DEPRECATED: use IdatDataset(... verbose=True) instead.
class RunInfo():
    '''A dataclass defining IDAT run information.

        idat_file {file-like} -- An open IDAT file.'''

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(self, idat_file):
        # Initializes the RunInfo data class by reading the provided idat_file.
        self.run_time = read_string(idat_file)
        self.block_type = read_string(idat_file)
        self.block_pars = read_string(idat_file)
        self.block_code = read_string(idat_file)
        self.code_version = read_string(idat_file)

[docs]class IdatDataset(): """Validates and parses an Illumina IDAT file. Arguments: filepath_or_buffer {file-like} -- the IDAT file to parse. channel {Channel} -- the fluorescent channel (Channel.RED or Channel.GREEN) that produced the IDAT dataset. Keyword Arguments: idat_id {string} -- expected IDAT file identifier (default: {DEFAULT_IDAT_FILE_ID}) idat_version {integer} -- expected IDAT version (default: {DEFAULT_IDAT_VERSION}) bit {string, default 'float32'} -- 'float16' will pre-normalize intensities, capping max intensity at 32127. This cuts data size in half, but will reduce precision on ~0.01% of probes. [effectively downscaling fluorescence] Raises: ValueError: The IDAT file has an incorrect identifier or version specifier. """ def __init__( self, filepath_or_buffer, channel, idat_id=DEFAULT_IDAT_FILE_ID, idat_version=DEFAULT_IDAT_VERSION, verbose=False, std_dev=False, nbeads=False, bit='float32', ): """Initializes the IdatDataset, reads and parses the IDAT file.""" self.verbose = verbose = channel self.barcode = None self.chip_type = None self.n_beads = 0 self.n_snps_read = 0 self.run_info = [] self.include_std_dev = std_dev self.include_n_beads = nbeads self.bit = bit with get_file_object(filepath_or_buffer) as idat_file: # assert file is indeed IDAT format if not self.is_idat_file(idat_file, idat_id): raise ValueError('Not an IDAT file. Unsupported file type.') # assert correct IDAT file version if not self.is_correct_version(idat_file, idat_version): raise ValueError('Not a version 3 IDAT file. Unsupported IDAT version.') self.probe_means = if self.overflow_check() is False: LOGGER.warning("IDAT: contains negative probe values (uint16 overflow error)") if self.verbose: self.meta(idat_file) @staticmethod @read_and_reset def is_idat_file(idat_file, expected): """Checks if the provided file has the correct identifier. Arguments: idat_file {file-like} -- the IDAT file to check. expected {string} -- expected IDAT file identifier. Returns: [boolean] -- If the IDAT file identifier matches the expected value """ file_type = read_char(idat_file, len(expected)) return file_type.lower() == expected.lower() @staticmethod @read_and_reset def is_correct_version(idat_file, expected): """Checks if the provided file has the correct version. Arguments: idat_file {file-like} -- the IDAT file to check. expected {integer} -- expected IDAT version. Returns: [boolean] -- If the IDAT file version matches the expected value """ idat_version = read_long(idat_file) return str(idat_version) == str(expected) @staticmethod @read_and_reset def get_section_offsets(idat_file): """Parses the IDAT file header to get the byte position for the start of each section. Arguments: idat_file {file-like} -- the IDAT file to process. Returns: [dict] -- The byte offset for each file section. """ num_fields = read_int(idat_file) offsets = {} for _idx in range(num_fields): key = read_short(idat_file) offsets[key] = read_long(idat_file) return offsets
[docs] def read(self, idat_file): """Reads the IDAT file and parses the appropriate sections. Joins the mean probe intensity values with their Illumina probe ID. Arguments: idat_file {file-like} -- the IDAT file to process. Returns: DataFrame -- mean probe intensity values indexed by Illumina ID. """ section_offsets = self.get_section_offsets(idat_file) def seek_to_section(section_code): offset = section_offsets[section_code.value] seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.BARCODE) self.barcode = read_string(idat_file) seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.CHIP_TYPE) self.chip_type = read_string(idat_file) seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.NUM_SNPS_READ) self.n_snps_read = read_int(idat_file) seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.NUM_BEADS) self.n_beads = npread(idat_file, '<u1', self.n_snps_read) # was <u1 seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.ILLUMINA_ID) illumina_ids = npread(idat_file, '<i4', self.n_snps_read) seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.MEAN) probe_means = npread(idat_file, '<u2', self.n_snps_read) # '<u2' reads data as numpy unsigned-float16 seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.RUN_INFO) runinfo_entry_count, = struct.unpack('<L', for i in range(runinfo_entry_count): timestamp = read_string(idat_file) entry_type = read_string(idat_file) parameters = read_string(idat_file) codeblock = read_string(idat_file) code_version = read_string(idat_file) self.run_info.append( (timestamp, entry_type, parameters, codeblock, code_version) ) if self.include_std_dev and self.include_n_beads: seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.STD_DEV) std_devs = npread(idat_file, '<u2', self.n_snps_read) # print(len(probe_means), len(std_devs), len(self.n_beads)) data_frame = pd.DataFrame( data={'mean_value':probe_means, 'std_dev':std_devs, 'n_beads':self.n_beads}, index=illumina_ids, columns=['mean_value','std_dev','n_beads'], dtype=self.bit, # int16 could work, and reduce memory by 1/2, but some raw values were > 32127 -- without prenormalization, you get negative values back, which breaks stuff. ) elif self.include_std_dev: seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.STD_DEV) std_devs = npread(idat_file, '<u2', self.n_snps_read) # print(len(probe_means), len(std_devs)) data_frame = pd.DataFrame( data={'mean_value':probe_means, 'std_dev':std_devs}, index=illumina_ids, columns=['mean_value','std_dev'], dtype=self.bit, # int16 could work, and reduce memory by 1/2, but some raw values were > 32127 -- without prenormalization, you get negative values back, which breaks stuff. ) elif self.include_n_beads: data_frame = pd.DataFrame( data={'mean_value':probe_means, 'n_beads':self.n_beads}, index=illumina_ids, columns=['mean_value','n_beads'], dtype=self.bit, # int16 could work, and reduce memory by 1/2, but some raw values were > 32127 -- without prenormalization, you get negative values back, which breaks stuff. ) else: # casting astype(int) fixes pandas bug reading uint16, by coercing to float32-compatible format. probe_records = dict(zip(illumina_ids, probe_means.astype(int))) data_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( data=probe_records, orient='index', columns=['mean_value'], dtype=self.bit, # int16 could work, and reduce memory by 1/2, but some raw values were > 32127 -- without prenormalization, you get negative values back, which breaks stuff. ) = 'illumina_id' if self.bit == 'float16': data_frame = data_frame.clip(upper=32127) data_frame = data_frame.astype('int16') return data_frame
[docs] def meta(self, idat_file): """To enable this, initialize idatDataset with verbose=True""" section_offsets = self.get_section_offsets(idat_file) def seek_to_section(section_code): offset = section_offsets[section_code.value] idat_version = read_long(idat_file) print(f"idat version: {idat_version}") print("file includes [illumina_id | mean | std_dev | nbeads] tabular data for all probes.") #seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.ILLUMINA_ID) #illumina_ids = npread(idat_file, '<i4', self.n_snps_read) #print(f"102 (count of) illumina_ids: {len(illumina_ids)}") #seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.STD_DEV) #print(f"103 std_dev: {read_string(idat_file)}") #seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.MEAN) #print(f"104 mean: {read_string(idat_file)}") seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.STD_DEV) probe_std = npread(idat_file, '<u2', self.n_snps_read) print(f"103 std_dev average: {round(np.mean(probe_std),1)}, N={len(probe_std)}") print(f"107 num_beads average: {round(np.mean(self.n_beads),1)}, N={len(self.n_beads)}") seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.RED_GREEN) #400 print(f"400 red_green: {read_string(idat_file)}") seek_to_section(IdatSectionCode.MOSTLY_NULL) #401 print(f"401 manifest: {read_string(idat_file)}") print(f"402 barcode: {self.barcode}") print(f"403 chip_type: {self.chip_type}") print(f"1000 n_snps_read: {self.n_snps_read}") for line in self.run_info: if line[1] == 'Scan': print(f"300 run info: {line}") break
def overflow_check(self): if hasattr(self, 'probe_means'): if (self.probe_means.values < 0).any(): # n_affected = self.probe_means[self.probe_means.mean_value < 0].count().values[0] return False return True # passes, no misread probes