Source code for methylprep.files.manifests

# Lib
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
# App
from ..models import ArrayType, Channel, ProbeType
from ..utils import (

__all__ = ['Manifest']

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MANIFEST_DIR_NAME = '.methylprep_manifest_files'
MANIFEST_BUCKET_NAME = 'array-manifest-files'

    '27k': 'hm27.hg19.manifest.csv.gz',
    '450k': 'HumanMethylation450k_15017482_v3.csv.gz',
    'epic': 'HumanMethylationEPIC_manifest_v2.csv.gz',
    'epic+': 'CombinedManifestEPIC_manifest_CoreColumns_v2.csv.gz',
    'mouse': 'MM285_manifest_v3.csv.gz',
    ###### BE SURE TO ALSO UPDATE ArrayType.num_controls if updating a manifest here. #######
    ArrayType.ILLUMINA_27K: ARRAY_FILENAME['27k'],
    ArrayType.ILLUMINA_450K: ARRAY_FILENAME['450k'],

    'design', # replaces Probe_Type in v1.4.6+ with tons of design meta data. only 'Random' and 'Multi' matter in code.
    #'Probe_Type', # pre v1.4.6, needed to identify mouse-specific probes (mu) | and control probe sub_types

    # control probes don't have 'IlmnID' values set -- these probes are not locii specific
    # these column names don't appear in manifest. they are added when importing the control section of rows

[docs]class Manifest(): """Provides an object interface to an Illumina array manifest file. Arguments: array_type {ArrayType} -- The type of array to process. values are styled like ArrayType.ILLUMINA_27K, ArrayType.ILLUMINA_EPIC or ArrayType('epic'), ArrayType('mouse') Keyword Arguments: filepath_or_buffer {file-like} -- a pre-existing manifest filepath (default: {None}) Raises: ValueError: The sample sheet is not formatted properly or a sample cannot be found. """ __genome_df = None __probe_type_subsets = None # apparently not used anywhere in methylprep def __init__(self, array_type, filepath_or_buffer=None, on_lambda=False, verbose=True): array_str_to_class = dict(zip(list(ARRAY_FILENAME.keys()), list(ARRAY_TYPE_MANIFEST_FILENAMES.keys()))) if array_type in array_str_to_class: array_type = array_str_to_class[array_type] self.array_type = array_type self.on_lambda = on_lambda # changes filepath to /tmp for the read-only file system self.verbose = verbose if filepath_or_buffer is None: filepath_or_buffer = self.download_default(array_type, self.on_lambda) with get_file_object(filepath_or_buffer) as manifest_file: self.__data_frame = self.read_probes(manifest_file) self.__control_data_frame = self.read_control_probes(manifest_file) self.__snp_data_frame = self.read_snp_probes(manifest_file) if self.array_type == ArrayType.ILLUMINA_MOUSE: self.__mouse_data_frame = self.read_mouse_probes(manifest_file) else: self.__mouse_data_frame = pd.DataFrame() @property def columns(self): if self.array_type == ArrayType.ILLUMINA_MOUSE: return MOUSE_MANIFEST_COLUMNS else: return MANIFEST_COLUMNS @property def data_frame(self): return self.__data_frame @property def control_data_frame(self): return self.__control_data_frame @property def snp_data_frame(self): return self.__snp_data_frame @property def mouse_data_frame(self): return self.__mouse_data_frame
[docs] @staticmethod def download_default(array_type, on_lambda=False): """Downloads the appropriate manifest file if one does not already exist. Arguments: array_type {ArrayType} -- The type of array to process. Returns: [PurePath] -- Path to the manifest file. """ dir_path = Path(MANIFEST_DIR_PATH).expanduser() if on_lambda: dir_path = Path(MANIFEST_DIR_PATH_LAMBDA).expanduser() filename = ARRAY_TYPE_MANIFEST_FILENAMES[array_type] filepath = Path(dir_path).joinpath(filename) if Path.exists(filepath): return filepath"Downloading manifest: {Path(filename).stem}") src_url = urljoin(MANIFEST_REMOTE_PATH, filename) download_file(filename, src_url, dir_path) return filepath
[docs] @staticmethod def seek_to_start(manifest_file): """ find the start of the data part of the manifest. first left-most column must be "IlmnID" to be found.""" reset_file(manifest_file) current_pos = manifest_file.tell() header_line = manifest_file.readline() while not header_line.startswith(b'IlmnID'): current_pos = manifest_file.tell() if not header_line: #EOF raise EOFError("The first (left-most) column in your manifest must contain 'IlmnID'. This defines the header row.") header_line = manifest_file.readline() if current_pos == 0: else: - 1)
[docs] def read_probes(self, manifest_file): if self.verbose:'Reading manifest file: {Path(}') try: data_frame = pd.read_csv( manifest_file, comment='[', dtype=self.get_data_types(), usecols=self.columns, nrows=self.array_type.num_probes, # the -1 applies if the manifest has one extra row between the cg and control probes (a [Controls],,,,,, row) --- fixed in v1.5.6 index_col='IlmnID', ) except ValueError: optional = ['OLD_CHR', 'OLD_Strand', 'OLD_Genome_Build', 'OLD_MAPINFO'] use_columns = [col for col in self.columns if col not in optional] data_frame = pd.read_csv( manifest_file, comment='[', dtype=self.get_data_types(), usecols=use_columns, nrows=self.array_type.num_probes, # the -1 applies if the manifest has one extra row between the cg and control probes (a [Controls],,,,,, row) --- fixed in v1.5.6 index_col='IlmnID', )"Some optional genome mapping columns were not found in {Path(}") # AddressB_ID in manifest includes NaNs and INTs and becomes floats, which breaks. forcing back here. #data_frame['AddressB_ID'] = data_frame['AddressB_ID'].astype('Int64') # converts floats to ints; leaves NaNs inplace # TURNS out, int or float both work for manifests. NOT the source of the error with mouse. def get_probe_type(name, infinium_type): """returns one of (I, II, SnpI, SnpII, Control) .from_manifest_values() returns probe type using either the Infinium_Design_Type (I or II) or the name (starts with 'rs' == SnpI) and 'Control' is none of the above.""" probe_type = ProbeType.from_manifest_values(name, infinium_type) return probe_type.value vectorized_get_type = np.vectorize(get_probe_type) data_frame['probe_type'] = vectorized_get_type( data_frame.index.values, data_frame['Infinium_Design_Type'].values, ) return data_frame
[docs] def read_control_probes(self, manifest_file): """ Unlike other probes, control probes have no IlmnID because they're not locus-specific. they also use arbitrary columns, ignoring the header at start of manifest file. """'Reading control probes: {Path(}') self.seek_to_start(manifest_file) return pd.read_csv( manifest_file, comment='[', header=None, index_col=0, # illumina_id, not IlmnID here names=CONTROL_COLUMNS, # this gives these columns new names, because they have none. loading stuff at end of CSV after probes end. nrows=self.array_type.num_controls, skiprows=self.array_type.num_probes +1, #without the +1, it includes the last cpg probe in controls and breaks stuff. usecols=range(len(CONTROL_COLUMNS)), )
[docs] def read_snp_probes(self, manifest_file): """ Unlike cpg and control probes, these rs probes are NOT sequential in all arrays. """'Reading snp probes: {Path(} --> {snp_df.shape[0]} found') self.seek_to_start(manifest_file) # since these are not sequential, loading everything and filtering by IlmnID. snp_df = pd.read_csv( manifest_file, low_memory=False) # 'O' type columns won't match in SigSet, so forcing float64 here. Also, float32 won't cover all probe IDs; must be float64. snp_df = snp_df[snp_df['IlmnID'].str.match('rs', na=False)].astype({'AddressA_ID':'float64', 'AddressB_ID':'float64'}) return snp_df
[docs] def read_mouse_probes(self, manifest_file): """ ILLUMINA_MOUSE contains unique probes whose names begin with 'mu' and 'rp' for 'murine' and 'repeat', respectively. This creates a dataframe of these probes, which are not processed like normal cg/ch probes. """ self.seek_to_start(manifest_file) mouse_df = pd.read_csv( manifest_file, low_memory=False) # low_memory=Fase is required because control probes create mixed-types in columns. #--- pre v1.4.6: mouse_df = mouse_df[(mouse_df['Probe_Type'] == 'rp') | (mouse_df['IlmnID'].str.startswith('uk', na=False)) | (mouse_df['Probe_Type'] == 'mu')] #--- pre v1.4.6: 'mu' probes start with 'cg' instead and have 'mu' in Probe_Type column mouse_df = mouse_df[(mouse_df['design'] == 'Multi') | (mouse_df['design'] == 'Random')] return mouse_df
""" NEVER CALLED ANYWHERE - belongs in methylize def map_to_genome(self, data_frame): genome_df = self.get_genome_data() merged_df = inner_join_data(data_frame, genome_df) return merged_df def get_genome_data(self, build=None): if self.__genome_df is not None: return self.__genome_df'Building genome data frame') # new in version 1.5.6: support for both new and old genomes GENOME_COLUMNS = ( 'Genome_Build', 'CHR', 'MAPINFO', 'Strand', ) # PLUS four more optional columns with OLD_ prefix (for prev genome build) genome_columns = GENOME_COLUMNS + ['OLD_'+col for col in GENOME_COLUMNS] self.__genome_df = self.data_frame[genome_columns] return self.__genome_df """
[docs] def get_data_types(self): data_types = { key: str for key in self.columns } data_types['AddressA_ID'] = 'Int64' #'float64' -- dtype found only in pandas 0.24 or greater data_types['AddressB_ID'] = 'Int64' #'float64' return data_types
[docs] def get_probe_details(self, probe_type, channel=None): """used by infer_channel_switch. Given a probe type (I, II, SnpI, SnpII, Control) and a channel (Channel.RED | Channel.GREEN), this will return info needed to map probes to their names (e.g. cg0031313 or rs00542420), which are NOT in the idat files.""" if not isinstance(probe_type, ProbeType): raise Exception('probe_type is not a valid ProbeType') if channel and not isinstance(channel, Channel): raise Exception('channel not a valid Channel') data_frame = self.data_frame probe_type_mask = data_frame['probe_type'].values == probe_type.value if not channel: return data_frame[probe_type_mask] channel_mask = data_frame['Color_Channel'].values == channel.value return data_frame[probe_type_mask & channel_mask]